Small Things Falling

Pixabay: maciej326 CC0 Creative CommonsThe other day a paperclip fell out of my hand, straight down.

Or, at least, that’s what it should have done. It should have fallen directly to my feet, where the carpet should have caught it, grabbed it, and trapped it.

But that isn’t what happened.

I padded my hands in a small circle around my feet, feeling for it. Despite this being the obvious place, it wasn’t there. I expanded the circle until, finally, I found it.

Five feet away.

This isn’t the first time a paperclip or an earring has fallen and landed farther afield than where gravity suggests it should be.

Do they bounce? Is there a draft from the furnace that allows them to ride the breeze?

I never know. I just know I’m always surprised how far away small objects can land in their flight for freedom.

Maybe it’s just the stuff in my house….


Photo source: maciej326 on Pixabay


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